Pam Turner

Pam is a self-confessed cat lover and has experience of working with cats and owning cats for as long as she can remember. This website is where she gets to share her knowledge and interact with other cat lovers.

Do Persian Cats Shed?

Do Persian Cats Shed?

Known sometimes as ‘furniture with fur’, Persian cats are popular for their extremely laid-back and lazy nature, their beautiful long hair, and their friendly personality. They also tend to be fairly sturdy, though you want to be careful about the breeder as some breeders will breed kittens that are too squashed in the muzzle which

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What is the Difference Between a Maine Coon, A Norwegian Forest Cat, and a Siberian?

What is the Difference Between a Maine Coon, A Norwegian Forest Cat, and a Siberian?

What is the Difference Between a Maine Coon, A Norwegian Forest Cat, and a Siberian? Maine Coons, Norwegian Forest Cats, and Siberian Forest cats are, at least at first blush, pretty similar. In fact, many people believe that Maine Coons are descended from Norwegian Forest Cats! (Whether this is true or not, the jury is

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Do Cats Eat Fleas?

Do Cats Eat Fleas?

Fleas are irritating pests that both indoor and outdoor cats can be infested with. They cause a cat to get itchy as the flea bites and sucks their blood, causing rashes, irritation, and sometimes loss of fur in patches. If left for too long and too infested, the blood loss can cause weakness and even

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Can Cats Eat Avocado Skin?

Can Cats Eat Avocado Skin?

Avocado swept the nutrition stage as a so-called superfood, packed with antioxidants and other nutritional benefits. It was so popular that for many people it practically defined the millennial generation (Avocado toast anyone)? Now, the fervor has died down, but avocados are still a common enough sight in many homes, allowing people to make things

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Can Cats Eat Olive Oil?

Can Cats Eat Olive Oil?

Olive oil has become a staple in many kitchens, owing to its status as a ‘superfood’. It has some amazing antioxidant properties, makes cooked food taste good, and is all around very healthy for humans. But what’s good for humans isn’t necessarily good for other animals, so if you cook regularly with it and you

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Can Cats Eat Slugs?

Can Cats Eat Slugs?

Slugs are often quite active after rainfall or overnight, and that means that cats who are roaming in the early mornings or checking things out after a rain may come into contact with them. And since cats often supplement their diet with bugs, gulp can go the slug! (Now there’s a slightly revolting image for

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Can Cats Eat Lime?

Can Cats Eat Lime?

If you cook Mexican food or do certain baking, you probably have limes in your house, at least somewhere. And unlike other foods that your cat probably has at least poked at, you may have noticed that your cat stringently avoids the limes (as well as oranges and any other citrus fruits). In fact, some

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All About Orange Cats

All About Orange Cats

Even if you have never owned an orange cat before, you’ve certainly seen them! From Garfield to Puss in Boots, from comedies to science fiction, orange cats dominate our arts – and our hearts! These colorful cats have a reputation for being the friendliest cats and for getting grabbed up the fastest in animal shelters.

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All About Kittens

All About Kittens

I think one would be hard-pressed to find something even cuter than fluffy kittens! (Maybe fluffy puppies…) They are soft, smell so good, have cute little meows, and everything about them is tiny, fuzzy, and perfect! No wonder kittens tend to get adopted faster than adult cats and it’s hard to be angry when your

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All About Himalayan Cats

All About Himalayan Cats

Himalayan cats are commonly seen in funny videos about cats, memes, and adorable kitten pictures. And what’s not to love about their appearance? Long, lustrous fur, beautiful Siamese point coloration, bright blue eyes, and a face just squashed enough to produce some fairly humorous expressions, the Himalayan is popular and found all over the place.

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All About Chartreux Cats

All About Chartreux Cats

Chartreux cats are a breed of cat that originally hails from France and is relatively rare today, particularly outside of Europe. They are the mascot of the world’s largest jazz festival and they are known for their ‘smile’ due to their tapered muzzles and their plumper cheeks. Intelligent and observant, these are cats that can

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All About Ragdoll Cats

All About Ragdoll Cats

Ragdoll cats are also often known as ‘puppy cats’, though they are most famous for going absolutely limp “as a ragdoll” when they are picked up, mostly because they really love being scooped up by their humans! Ragdoll cats are most well known for their gentle disposition, their love of all people, and their incredibly

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All about the Bengal Cat

All About the Bengal Cat

Bengal cats are beautiful animals with distinctive spotted coats, a very playful demeanor, and affectionate nature. They are also quite striking animals, making them very popular with families. And while they may look a lot like a jungle cat (and sometimes tear around like one), they are completely domestic cats, often quite devoted to their

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All About Sphynx Cats

All About Sphynx Cats

Sphynx cats are probably most well known for their physical characteristics: hairless, large ears, and often looking kind of wrinkly! But there is a lot more to this cat than simply being without fur and they are quite popular pets in North America and gaining ground in Europe. While some people think that the breed

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All About Birman Cats

All About Birman Cats

Birman Cats are a beautiful and mysterious breed of cat whose origins are shrouded in legends, though even the ‘true’ story is a bit of an unknown! Birmans are also called the Sacred Cat of Burma. Birmans are known for their long silky coats, their point coloring, pure white paws, beautiful eyes, and sweet nature.

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Manx Cats

Manx Cats

If you ever see a cat without a tail, hopping along like a bunny, don’t feel bad for it. Chances are you’re observing the Manx cat. The Manx cat is a medium-sized domestic cat breed with a genetic defect that causes it to have little to no tail. Manx cats have a double coat of

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Norwegian Forest Cats

Norwegian Forest Cats

These large, furry cats are as beautiful as they are interesting. Here’s everything you could ever want to know about them. The Norwegian Forest cat, also known as a “wegie” is a breed of cat originating from Northern Europe. It’s one of the biggest domestic cat breeds and has a long, thick coat of fur,

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Tabby Cats

Tabby Cats

An M-shape pattern needs to be visible on a cat’s head for it to be recognised as a tabby cat. A tabby cat is any domestic cat with an obvious M-shape on its forehead. These cats normally have striped coats that make the pattern more apparent. They have stripes on their cheeks, necks, backs, legs,

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Why Will My Cat Not Eat?

Why Will My Cat Not Eat?

Cats are definitely some of the pickiest eaters in the animal kingdom. But sometimes if your cat isn’t eating, it could be a sign of a range of serious illnesses. The most common reasons your cat isn’t eating are: A new type of food. Psychological problems. Dental issues. Obstruction in the digestive system. Constipation Respiratory

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Black Cats

Black Cats

Around half of all cat breeds can have black cats within them. So, how do black cats come to be? Cats turn out to be black when they have a high melanin pigment content. This also causes them to have yellow/golden eyes. Coal-black, grayish-black, and brownish-black are all acceptable variations of a “solid black” cat.

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Can Cats Eat Honey?

Can Cats Eat Honey?

Honey can be a problematic food in homes. It’s a popular sweetener and is often touted as being a far better alternative to white sugar. On the other hand, it cannot be eaten by infants, it can cause allergic reactions, and there is definitely a divide on whether it’s safe for pets to eat. But

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Abyssinian Cats

Abyssinian Cats

These cats are sometimes referred to as the Clowns of the Cat Kingdom because they can be so playful and entertaining. The Abyssinian cat is a short-haired domestic cat originating from Ethiopia. (Previously known as Abyssinia) These cats have a ticked tabby coat of hair banded with different colors. This type of coat can give

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Can Cats Eat Taco Meat?

Can Cats Eat Taco Meat?

Tacos are so beloved by many households that for a while there, people had dedicated taco nights (not helped by advertisers, but they wouldn’t push what wasn’t working). Versatile, affordable, filling, and easy to customize, tacos are well up on the list of popular suppers in North America, as well as all over the world.

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Calico Cats - Everything You Wanted To Know

Calico Cats

Are you ready to learn everything there is to know about the calico cat? We have spent a lot of time on this article to provide you with everything you could ever want to know about calico cats. Calico, refers to the colors of a cat’s fur and not the breed of a cat. Calico

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How Often Do Cats Fart?

How Often Do Cats Fart?

It seems like a pretty weird question, but since we don’t often see cats looked embarrassed over their elimination habits (probably something we humans can take to heart), it’s something that many pet owners wonder, debate, and ask their vets about: Do my cats far and how often do cats fart? It’s actually hard to

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Can Cats Eat Chips?

Can Cats Eat Chips?

Chips are a very common and popular snack. Made primarily from either fried potato or corn, and coming in a huge range of flavors, chips are a staple in many households for snacks. They aren’t really healthy for humans, but that certainly doesn’t stop people from eating them! If your cat has been going after

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Can Cats Eat Doritos?

Can Cats Eat Doritos?

Doritos are a well-known, extremely common snack! They are tortilla chips that come in a variety of flavors, from nacho cheese to wasabi and many other flavors besides. With them being so common in households, it’s also possible that cats can get into them as well (particularly cheesy ones if you have a cat that

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Can Cats Eat Bologna?

Can Cats Eat Bologna?

Bologna is a common staple in many households, especially those looking for an affordable lunch meat or sometimes an affordable dinner meat! (Fried bologna anyone?) It’s cheap, it’s abundant, and it can be used in other cheap and easy-to-make meals, so it’s popular. But is it as popular with your cat as it is with

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Can Cats Eat Avocado?

Can Cats Eat Avocado?

Avocado is one of the most popular fruits around, creating its own memes (avocado toast and millennials, anyone?), a million recipes for putting it in everything from guacamole to pudding, and a generally massive following of people who swear by it as being one of the best superfoods around. The reason for this is that,

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Can Cats Eat Vanilla?

Can Cats Eat Vanilla?

Vanilla is an extremely common substance found in just about any pantry or cupboard. It comes in two forms: artificial vanilla extract, which is significantly cheaper, and real vanilla extract, which is more expensive but gives foods a more genuine vanilla flavor and odor. Either way, because it is so common, it’s something that your

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Can Cats Eat Raw Asparagus?

Can Cats Eat Raw Asparagus?

Asparagus is a popular vegetable because it is absolutely packed with vitamins and minerals that support healthy humans. It’s also something that, thanks to importing, is generally available year-round and it’s versatile enough to be added to many different meals. Therefore, it’s not at all unlikely that a cat will come across asparagus, particularly any

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Can Cats Eat Shrimp?

Can Cats Eat Shrimp?

Shrimp is a popular seafood for humans to eat, found on things like pizza, sandwiches, appetizer platters, sushi, and many other meals and snacks. And if you’re eating shrimp, odds are, attracted by the smell, your cat will start mooching for it too. Can cats eat shrimp safely? How can you make sure that it

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Can Cats Eat Bacon?

Can Cats Eat Bacon?

Is there anything (to meat-eaters) better than bacon? Whether it’s part of your breakfast, sprinkled on pizza or pasta, or put in a sandwich, bacon is a popular meat and while the traditional bacon is made from pork, it’s easy enough to find turkey bacon and meatless bacon! But is bacon as popular to cats

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Can Cats Eat Jelly?

Can Cats Eat Jelly?

Fruit jelly (As opposed to something like petroleum jelly or candy ‘jellies’) is a staple in many households, particularly at the breakfast table. (Peanut butter jelly time!) Naturally, if you’re eating it, your cat may be wondering what you’re eating and if it’s anything that they should be having as well. And since cats really

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Can Cats Eat Moths?

Can Cats Eat Moths?

Moths are a common sight around homes since they are attracted to light sources and it’s easy enough for them to get in through open doors, torn screens, or other entry points. Therefore, if you also have a cat, you’ve probably seen dead or torn-up moths from your cat’s nocturnal hunts of the winged insects.

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Can Cats Eat Chives?

Can Cats Eat Chives?

Chives are a common part of most peoples’ kitchens and cooking. Used in a huge variety of recipes, they can be used fresh, dried, as part of herb mixes, used in dressings, and paired with meats and other meals. So, it’s not impossible that your cat could come across them, especially if you grow them

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Can Cats Eat Wasabi?

Can Cats Eat Wasabi?

Wasabi is a staple for sushi, commonly served as a garnish that you put on your sushi. True wasabi is a plant in the Brassicaceae family, related to mustard and horseradish. Most commercial wasabi is made from horseradish and mustard and is dyed green. There is a massive difference in taste with true wasabi only

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How Many Cats Can You Own?

How Many Cats Can You Own? How Many Is Too Many?

Animal Planet’s 2010 series Confessions: Animal Hoarding offered a previously unseen glimpse into owning “too many” critters. Those gut-wrenching scenes featured dozens of cats roaming tiny apartments, crusty carpeting with thick woven-in hair, and a litter box around every corner. You’re nowhere near that dreaded hoarding territory, but how many cats can you own? You

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How Much Do Siberian Cats Cost?

How Much Do Siberian Cats Cost?

Siberian cats are among the most exotic, loyal, and hunting-inclined cat breeds globally, hailing from Russia and rising to popularity elsewhere by the early 2000s. Often dubbed the ‘Moscow Semi-Longhair,’ the Siberian’s long water-repellent fur and (nearly) hypoallergenic coat make the breed a rare allergy-sufferer’s dream. But how much do Siberian cats cost? Siberian cats

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What Does It Mean When Cats Hang Around Your House?

What Does It Mean When Cats Hang Around Your House?

The slung-open mouth naps, roaring purrs, energetic laser hunts, and slightly-mischievous destruction remind you again and again why you’re a self-proclaimed “cat lady.” But when you peer outside, you discover a very different scene: A cat colony invading your yard! The porch sunbathing and wrestling matches are next-level cute, but why did they choose your

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Can Cats Eat Plants?

Can Cats Eat Plants?

Cats are carnivores, pure and simple. Their digestive system is built to handle meat, their dietary needs are largely protein and specific amino acids derived from meat, and pretty well anything else they eat can be filed under ‘junk food’ for the purposes of nutrition. But many cats will happily go after houseplants, grass, and

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Can Cats Eat Kiwi?

Can Cats Eat Kiwi?

Kiwis are a popular fruit. Colorful, packed with nutrition, and able to be used in a myriad of recipes like fruit salad and smoothies, kiwis are well-beloved by humans. But are they just as good for your cat? Kiwis have a lot of nutritional and dietary benefits, plus a good amount of water, so it

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Can Cats Eat Apples?

Can Cats Eat Apples?

Apples are a popular fruit with humans and so it’s not unlikely that your cat will have run across them as well. (Depending on how playful your cat is, literally run across them, and sent them flying in all directions). If you’ve caught your cat mooching while you prepare apples for baking or are snacking

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Can Cats Eats Grapes?

Can Cats Eats Grapes?

In dogs, grapes are an absolute no-no. Canine grape toxicity can lead to a myriad of health issues, from vomiting and diarrhea to kidney damage and even kidney failure leading to serious illness or death. However, in many cases, what a dog cannot eat, a cat can eat safely (even if it’s not particularly good

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Can Cats Eat Cheese?

Can Cats Eat Cheese?

There’s a lot of human food that cats won’t particularly go for, generally speaking. Fruits and vegetables for example will rarely catch the attention of a cat. But the cheese that is often found with fruit? Well, that might have your cat sneaking a nibble, a lick, or the chunk altogether! If this happens to

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Can Cats Eat Bananas?

Can Cats Eat Bananas?

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits for humans to eat and it is considered to be quite the powerhouse of nutrition. They contain fiber that can moderate blood sugar levels, improve digestive health, are full of potassium and other essential minerals and vitamins, and have water which is always a good thing. Bananas

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Can Cats Eat Ham?

Can Cats Eat Ham?

I don’t eat ham very often (because half the family doesn’t care for it), but we do have it once in a while and we also have sliced deli ham around. Ham is one of the things which my cat will actually show some interest in (she’s very picky about her food and won’t mooch

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Can Cats Tell When You Are Sick?