Why Does My Cat Get Upset When I Close the Door?

Why Does My Cat Get Upset When I Close the Door?

As you’re getting ready to shut your door, you notice your cat’s sudden mood change. Sure, Fluffy’s not growling as he would when threatened, or angered, by a territory-breaching stray cat, but you realize he’s upset, meowing loudly and scratching the door. But is your cat upset when you close the door?

Your cat may be upset when you close the door because it’s curious to know what’s happening on the other side. Another reason is your cat is probably territorial and wants full control of his space. Other reasons include the need to socialize and attention-seeking behavior.

Keep reading as we take a closer look at some of the reasons why cats can’t seem to stand closed doors.

Cats Are Curious Animals

You won’t find any other pet as curious as cats, which explains why your furry friend will always appear disturbed by closed doors, especially if he’s on the wrong side of it.

Naturally, you might be inclined to think that, since your cat knows everything about the house, he’ll be content staying put behind closed doors. However, this thinking couldn’t be any further from the truth.

Sure, your cat knows all the ins and outs of your home, but still, he’ll want to be fully aware of what’s happening on the other side. Cats have extra-strong senses of smell and hearing, meaning they’re likely to be in the loop on what’s going on in other parts of the house despite being behind closed doors.

Your cat, like all cats, is too curious to explore everything outside.

This often leads to persistent attempts to scratch the door, endless meows, and even growls if the senses get too strong. So you can rest assured your cat will keep nagging until he satisfies his curiosity, more so if he’s a grown cat with fully developed senses.

Cats Are Highly Territorial

Another reason your cat’s upset and likely to give you moods all day, until you apologize by opening the door, is his territorial nature.

As naturally territorial animals, cats love being in control. They love knowing what’s going on in every corner of their rightfully earned territory. So you can imagine how offended your cat will be when unable to keep a close eye on his territory.

The level of your cat’s aggression will also depend on what door is closed.

Locking him inside your bedroom will likely make him feel enclosed and highly disrespected, which will elicit aggressive reactions compared to locking the front door that still allows him access to other rooms.

Therefore, don’t get alarmed when your cat gets aggressive and meows endlessly the next time you close the door on him.

He thrives on space and control, meaning he won’t be too amused if locked out of his property.

Cats Are Naturally Social Animals

It’s no secret that cats love to socialize, play and rest all day. Closing the door on your cat prevents him from being his true lazy and periodically active self with others.

Sure, he can lay around the enclosed room all day with no issue, but he wants to be himself next to you and other beloved family members.Why Does My Cat Get Upset When I Close the Door?

The thought of not receiving those warm cuddles or not laying comfortably on his staff members’ laps is one he’d rather not think about. So he’ll try as much as he can to irk you with those persistent scratches and meows that get louder and more annoying by the minute.

If locked in a room with other family members, chances are your cat won’t respond as aggressively as he would when completely isolated from others.

So you might want to keep a keen eye on where exactly you lock your “social” pet.

Your Cat Wants His Family To Stick Together as a Clowder

Although widely viewed as solitary animals, cats tend to live well with other animals and humans, provided there are enough resources and no predatory behavior among the community.

As your new cat gradually settles in his new territory, he’ll start taking you and all your family members as part of his clowder. And since your primary role will still be taking care of the family cat by serving him meals and delivering cuddles on time, he’ll feel obliged to protect you at all times.

So to him, the big question will be how on earth is he going to use his senses to take care of you, and his territory, when the doors are shut?

In an effort to solve the issue promptly, you’ll notice your cat scratching and smacking the door with his paws as if to warn you that his patience is swiftly running out.

This means as long as your cat is locked out in a separate room from other family members, he’ll most probably get upset as he won’t be able to take care of his clowder.

Your Cat Is Seeking Attention

Cats love to be the life of the party. These attention-seeking felines will go to any length just to command your attention. So if you’ve made it a habit to open doors soon after he starts yearning for attention, chances are your furry friend thinks it’s a game and can’t wait for his turn.

You’ll notice him meowing, scratching, and pawing at the door, just to assure you he got the cue and is now waiting for your turn to open the door.

How Cats Protest Closed Doors

Cats are pretty straightforward pets to understand. When they’re upset, they won’t be afraid to be direct about their feelings. Here are some of the ways your cat is likely to react when you close the door:

  • Meowing
  • Pawing at the door
  • Scratching
  • Requesting assistance

Your Cat Meows As Soon as You Close the Door

If you notice your cat meowing as soon as you close the door, chances are he is protesting and waiting for someone to fix that mess before it gets worse. Cats love sitting next to the shut door and meowing persistently until someone bulges and opens the door.

And the meows are likely to get louder until the door is opened.

Your Cat Starts Pawing if You Don’t Hear Him

Pawing is another common reaction when doors are closed. He’ll probably start pawing if his meowing is unsuccessful. Pawing cats look like they’re digging tunnels and can easily scratch you if their nails are popped out, as seen in this video:

So, you should be on the lookout for those swinging nails beneath the door.

Your Cat Keeps Scratching the Door Until You Open It

If you’re still not budging and your cat is in the mood, chances are he will start scratching the door until someone responds. The scratches might start aggressively and tone down as he starts to tire and give up.

But this is usually a sign of frustration and can lead to aggression when dealing with relatively new cats.

It’ll Get Another House Member To Open the Door

If a cat has been locked in a room with other people, your cat might respond by asking for help from other members of the house. This usually happens when pawing, scratching, and meowing haven’t worked.

So he’ll approach a family member, brush up gently against them, and meow politely as he heads towards the closed door.

Wrapping Up

It’s normal for cats to get upset when doors are closed, especially when left isolated in rooms. Cats love being in control and will rarely pass the chance to satisfy their curiosity, meaning your feline friend will do all he can to get you to open the door.

The trick with cats is to avoid locking them in enclosed rooms such as your bedroom, garage, or home office. Cats love their spaces and won’t hesitate to communicate their displeasure when you shut doors on them!
