About Us
We have been sharing our interest and love of cats online since 2004 and we are so excited to keep doing it under our new banner! If you are new here, welcome to Cat Wiki – the place that aims to answer all of your cat-related questions.
This site started out originally in 2004 as Best-cat-art.com. Over the years, the site has given advice, answered questions, sold pictures, and posted cute pictures/videos, always with the constant theme of sharing our love and our knowledge of cats with other like-minded cat lovers.
Recently, we realized that most of the searches to the website are from people looking for answers to common – or not-so-common questions about their cats. So, that’s the direction we have recently gone in. We also gave the site a name change and landed on catwiki.com. We enjoy helping people and sharing our experiences and it is always a great way for us to help other cat lovers. We now have hundreds of useful Q&A articles that you can find here: https://catwiki.com/faqs/
To keep to our ‘cat pictures’ and ‘cat art’ sharing roots, we also have an active Facebook Group (Cats Covenant) with over 35,000 cat-loving members sharing cat pictures, movies, and art. We would love for you to join and become part of our community! https://www.facebook.com/groups/128581291222131
We have people writing on the site that are from a wide range of backgrounds and locations. Some are cat owners, some are working at or have worked at veterinarian practices (RVTs) or shelters and we have DVM veterinarians who check our content for accuracy.
We love to receive feedback, so please get in contact and let us know what you do or do not like about the site! We are always looking to add content that will be of benefit to our readers, so if you have any suggestions, let us know!
Finally, please note that the advice we give on the site is a guide and not a substitute for proper veterinarian care and advice. If you feel your cat is in need of medical care or attention, then please consult your veterinarian to ensure your furry friend gets the attention that they require.
For the love of cats! Thank you for visiting catwiki.com.