For your cat’s overall health, especially when they are still very young, deworming them is very important and a must. But how often should you deworm your cat, and at what age is it safe to begin deworming?
You should deworm your cat as often as every three months. Deworming a cat that spends a lot of time outside is very important. Indoor cats should be dewormed every three to six months despite not going out much. Concerning the question of how soon you should start: as early as possible is better.
To satisfy our curiosity, we will investigate in this article the correct age at which we can start to deworm a cat. We will also discuss how often after the first session a cat should be dewormed until it is an adult; and if we should keep on deworming.
Table of Contents
When Should You Start Deworming Your Cat?
Let’s first take a look at when you should start deworming your cat so we can have a clear picture of what to do in the future.
It is known that most cats have worms, even kittens, so you need to deworm all new kittens. Doing so will ensure your kitten is worm-free for the first few months of its existence for a healthy growing period.
It is also true that little kittens can be infected through the mother’s milk with these parasites. All kittens drink from their mother, even when something went wrong, and the kitten was separated at a very young age. You can deworm the kitten as soon as they are four weeks old or at the age of six to eight weeks.
How Often After the First Deworming?
After the first deworming session, you should deworm a cat again when they are four months old. You can also do it at six months. In the growing process, you must keep on deworming the cat until they become an adult cat.
Most cat breeds mature at the age of one year, but some cat breeds, such as Maine Coons take two to four years to mature. Adult cats do not get as affected as small cats, so they should be dewormed every three months.
If your cat doesn’t go outside at all, it is safe to deworm an adult cat every six months. It is recommended that you use a deworming agent that works for both the tapeworm and the roundworm.
Worms come from parasites and infected flea eggs, so to prevent your cat from getting worms, you should treat them for fleas. Deflea your cat regularly; it is a good preventative measure to keep your cat worm-free for as long as possible.
You should set up a deworming schedule so you can easily keep track of the process for future reference. The following is a standard you can use on your cats to keep them healthy and worm-free:
- At the age of four, six, or eight weeks
- The next deworming should be at four to six months
Mature Indoor Cats
- One year of age
- One year and six months
- Two years
- Continue deworming every six months
Mature Outdoor Cats
- One year of age
- Every three months for the rest of their life
Where Do Worms Come From?
Worms come from several sources your cat may come into contacts with, such as fleas and other cats as well. Insects and mice may also be sources of infection that can cause your cat to get infected with parasites that cause worms.
A cat can easily get infected with worms if it eats something infected with worms, even many types of insects. If you have a dog and a cat, there may be a problem where these two pets will infect each other.
Mice and rodents are also sources of infection where your cats roam freely outside to hunt these small animals. Three common worm types are mostly found with cats, and they are:
- Tapeworms: These are the most common types of worms your cat will get, and your cat gets infected by ingesting the eggs.
- Roundworms: This is common among cats with fleas where they ingest the flea eggs contaminated with the parasite.
- Hookworms: This type of worm can spread when the cat ingests the eggs or walks on contaminated soil. This means that cats can infect each other if they share a litter box.
Worm Infection Signs To Look For
You can look for easy signs to make sure whether your cat has been infected with any of the worms. There may be a variety of effects these worms can have on a cat, and these are the signs to look for:
- Their stool can be bloody
- They can have diarrhea
- Your cat can start vomiting
- Weight loss can also be a sign of worms
- A rounded or bloated belly
- Constant coughing
- Constipation can also be a sign of infection
Can You Treat Your Cat at Home?
You can treat your cat with over-the-counter deworming medicine, but not all the signs mentioned always mean worms. You should consult a vet or even a pharmacist about buying the medicine for the right advice and treatment.
The dewormers you buy over the counter (or even at online retailers) will help if your cat is infected with worms. By using the deworming schedule, you can keep your cat worm-free and healthy with products such as the Pet Care 24 Tablet Cat Roundworm and Tapeworm Dewormer.
You should also know the symptoms to give accurate descriptions to the vet for the best treatment. Vets and animal care staff will also know which worms are commonly found in your area so they can provide the right treatment.
How To Deworm Your Cat
If you want to deworm your cat yourself, you just need to purchase the dewormer and follow the instructions provided with the medicine. You can either get a pill or drops that need to be administered to your cat.
With the pill, you need to have your cat digest the pill to take effect and deworm your cat. In the case of drops, you need to apply them to the back of the neck on the skin, and they will start working.
Make sure you use the right dewormer for your cat because some of these dewormers are only available through a prescription from a vet. Always make sure you are treating your cat for the right problem before giving them any medicine.
How Long Will It Take for Deworming To Work?
The deworming medicine may take a few days to pass through the cat’s system before it starts to take effect. During this time, your cat will not have a normal appetite, but if the normal appetite does not return after a couple of days, consult a vet.
This deworming process will take anything from 24 hours and as long as 48 hours before your cat will return to normal. The great thing is that your cat will be healthier after the treatment, and you will see it in the way they react.
It is quite essential to deworm your cat at a very young age so it will not interfere with their growing stage. Your adult cat should also be dewormed regularly to keep them healthy. You may always be careful and take care of your feline friend, but the environment isn’t as loving. To give your cat a quality life, stay on the safe side, even when you think it’s not necessary.
In any case, it is safest to consult a vet before you treat your cat for anything that may be wrong with them.

Pam is a self-confessed cat lover and has experience of working with cats and owning cats for as long as she can remember. This website is where she gets to share her knowledge and interact with other cat lovers.