Can Cats Eat Croissants?

Can Cats Eat Croissants?

Croissants – and many other bread products – are a staple in households. It’s an easy breakfast, can be matched up with other foods and it’s tasty!

If croissants are a regular feature on your table, then you may have noticed that your cat is curious about what you’re eating and may even try to sneak a bite! After all, if it’s good enough for the human, it’s bound to be more than good enough for the cat (or so a cat’s reasoning goes).

But can cats eat croissants or do you have to make sure to eat them far away from your pet?

Cats can eat croissants, in small amounts, once in a while. But it’s not something they should be having nearly as often as you might! Croissants aren’t inherently dangerous, but they are basically junk food to cats and should be treated as such.

Do Cats Like Croissants?

If your cat is going for your croissants, chances are it’s not the bread that they are after – it’s the butter. Butter is made with animal fats and it’s the animal fats that the cat is craving! On top of that, some cats will also enjoy the salt and the overall texture.

I wouldn’t be surprised if there are plenty of cat owners with stories of their cats trying to make off with their croissants, though my cats have never bothered (largely due to a lack of exposure since we don’t buy them).

As always, this is going to be a matter of your cat’s tastes, with some really liking it (to the point of trying to grab it) and others ignoring your food in favor of their own.

Another factor in cats and croissants is the texture. Some cats may like a crunchy edge while others like the soft, buttery insides. Either way, a cat that wants to try your croissant will certainly make itself known!

Do Cats Hate Croissants?

Cats probably don’t hate croissants – at worst, they will be apathetic towards them. Some cats simply don’t care what their human is eating so long as their own food bowl is full, while others just aren’t attracted to the smell of bread.

Keep in mind that bread products aren’t something cats are really wired to eat in the first place, so it makes sense that most cats won’t be overly attracted to them. Usually, they go after it because they want to share what their human is eating, not because they actually need to eat it to stay healthy.

If your cat doesn’t like croissants, don’t worry about it. There’s nothing in them that your cat is missing anyway.

Can Croissants Kill My Cat?

Croissants are considered to be non-toxic to cats, meaning that if your cat stole a bite or two here and there, you don’t have anything to worry about. Croissants themselves are not poisonous; however, if your cat is trying to live off them, you have some long-term health problems that could arise.

The main issue is that croissants are high in carbohydrates. Cats are not disposed to handle carbs in high quantities (their diet should be largely made up of protein and fats) and so eating too many carbs can cause a stomachache.

A carb-heavy diet also tends to be a high-calorie diet, leading to weight gain and ultimately obesity. In cats, obesity has the same issues it does with humans but magnified since cats are smaller. These include:

  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Mobility problems
  • Organ strain (particularly on the heart)
  • Diabetes

Diabetes, in particular, is a serious problem in housecats and it can cause lethargy, seizures, coma, and death if it is not well managed. Eating a diet high in carbs will get them in that future a lot sooner.

Croissants also have salt in them and cats have to be monitored carefully when it comes to their sodium intake. The amount they get in their regular food is perfect and tipping that scale over too much can lead to dehydration and even sodium poisoning.

It’s unlikely you’ll have to worry about that with a small corner of a croissant, but it’s something to bear in mind whenever you are sharing your food.Can Cats Eat Croissants?

Another thing you’ll want to watch is the ingredient list on your croissants. There shouldn’t be any extra seasonings or flavor and ones that are made with real butter as opposed to margarine are fractionally better for your cat (and I do mean fractionally).

Avoid adding extras to a croissant that your cat may nibble on to such as cinnamon and other spices as this can make your cat feel sick. And do not feed a cat a chocolate croissant as the chocolate can be toxic.

How Many Croissants Can My Cat Eat?

Really, a cat shouldn’t eat any croissants at all, but if you want to tear off a small corner once in a while, it shouldn’t cause any harm. There’s no hard and fast rule for how many croissants a cat can eat, but if you treat it as a treat, you can get a ballpark. Remember that a cat should only have about twenty or twenty-two calories from treats in a day.

A croissant has a calorie load of 272, so figure a little less than one-tenth of that at most. (This assumes that your cat will have nothing else for a treat that day). Cats should really only have a small bite once in a while as well, not daily because the carb load will end up being too much for your pet’s system.

Are There any Nutritional Benefits of Croissants for My Cat?

Not really. An argument could be made that if the croissant is made with high fiber flour that you’re giving your cat a boost of fiber, but this is quickly outweighed by the carbs and sugars.

The amount that your cat can have won’t contain enough fiber to make any sort of difference to their wellbeing. And this also assumes a plain croissant – as soon as you add extras like cheese or apples, the number will likely start shooting up.

Croissants really are just treats, and if your cat isn’t into them, they don’t stand to lose anything by ignoring them.

Raw Bread Dough

A quick note about raw bread dough if you’re the type who makes your own croissants. While baked croissants are safe enough, raw bread dough is dangerous and warrants an immediate vet visit if your cat eats any.

Raw bread dough can cause alcohol poisoning (from the yeast) and can rise in a cat’s stomach, causing abdominal stretching which is very dangerous. If your cat eats some of your dough, contact your vet right away as it may require surgery to remove the dough.


Croissants are a great food for us humans to eat. They are an easy breakfast; they can be made with lots of other things and they go well with other foods. For cats though, they are best enjoyed as a small bite once in a while, not something that is normal.

There isn’t anything in croissants that is beneficial to cats and the high carb and sugar load will cause health problems in the long run. But if your cat stole a bite, you probably don’t have anything to worry about – except that now there is less for you to enjoy!

Does your cat enjoy croissants?