So, we know that dogs can, and will, eat pizza crust. But what about a cat? Can cats eat pizza crust?
Straight up crust, they could probably sneak a small piece of and be fine. However, there are a lot of potential hazards to be found even in the crust. Cats should never eat raw pizza dough either. And cats should not eat pizza: the garlic in the tomato sauce alone can cause them problems, let alone the cheese and the salt.
Just over three years ago, my parents came to live with us for a short time while looking for a house to buy in town. They had a small dog named Bridget, who was mostly a pretty good house guest.
At the time too, we lived with my brother who was, well, a slob. The type who left dirty plates for two days, and at a lot of pizza since he worked weird hours. We were gaming downstairs with the dog one day when she went roving off and dug up an old pizza crust from under the futon and, being a dog, ate part of it.
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She was fine by the way.
The cats probably thought she was the dumbest animal on four legs, though that incident was hardly proof of concept to them (They thought she was dumb no matter what). But to be fair, several years earlier, my cat might have tried to pull the same stunt if she’d been able to.
Do Cats Like Pizza Crust?
This will really depend on the cat. Some cats really like pizza crust because it still has the flavors from the toppings. And some like to just chew on it, probably because of the texture. And of course, some cats like to try to run off with your pizza just because it’s fun to do!
The main reason why cats like pizza crust, and other bread products, is the yeast. Yeast is a nice flavor for cats, to the point where many treats have yeast flavoring and some medications do too.
They love the smell of baking bread and they like the taste of baked bread and other things made with yeast. I know my cats are a little more attentive when I make homemade buns, even though they are polite about not actually grabbing any of them.
I, personally, have never had a cat particularly interested in pizza crusts, but there are plenty of owners with hilarious stories of cats stealing their crusts, licking them, or chewing on them.
So, don’t be surprised if your cat goes after them as well.
Do Cats Hate Pizza Crust?
Just like humans, cats have a wide variety of tastes and that means that some cats won’t like pizza crust. They may completely ignore it, they may try it and spit it out, they may even run away from it!
My cats are largely indifferent, though I think my newest fluffball may get the spirit of mischief in her and run off with some of the toddler’s crust if she gets the chance one day.
Can Pizza Crust Kill My Cat?
By itself, it’s pretty unlikely that pizza crust will even make your cat sick, let alone kill your cat. But as always, there are things to keep in mind:
- Pizza crust is quite stiff, so it can easily pose a choking hazard. If you want your cat to try a bit of pizza crust, crumble it up for them first so that they don’t get it stuck in their throat.
- The crust should never have tomato sauce on it. Most pizza sauce has a lot of salt and garlic in it, both of which can make your cat quite ill. In high enough quantities, which for a cat isn’t much, garlic can even be fatal.
- Eating pizza crust can also make your cat feel very bloated afterward, which isn’t fatal, but it is uncomfortable. Remember that cats aren’t really built to handle wheat.
- And while your cat may want to mooch the actual slice of pizza, we still wouldn’t recommend it. The meat has too much salt and is too heavily processed, the cheese will probably make your cat have digestive issues, the spices are too much, and at the end of the day, there is no nutritional value in pizza for cats. It’s just junk food with a lot of potential health risks. And any pizza with garlic or onion on it is an immediate no for cats.
So, pizza crust probably won’t kill your cat right away, but it’s loaded with risks both immediate – choking, garlic exposure – and long-term – weight gain, obesity, and diabetes.
A small piece of plain crust once in a while will probably be harmless, but you’ll really want to be careful that your cat doesn’t take that as an invitation to go after the whole slice or demand crust every time you have pizza.
How Much Pizza Crust Can My Cat Eat?
A very small piece of straight-up crust with nothing on it a few times a month is about as much as any cat should be eating. Eating crust too regularly will likely bloat your cat and make it gain weight which leads to health problems later on.
Diabetes is of course the main one that we think of, but joint pain, liver problems, and lack of energy are other things that can happen when a cat gains too much weight. Honestly, there are far safer treats out there that cats will probably enjoy just as much and that won’t come with a heap of potential problems.
Cats and Raw Pizza Dough
If you’re making homemade pizza with raw dough, you definitely want to keep your cats far away. Raw dough expands in warm damp places and that includes your cat’s stomach. Eating raw dough can often lead to a medical emergency where a cat’s stomach becomes dangerously bloated and may require surgery. The other issue is that yeast can produce alcohol as part of its natural fermentation process.
In cats, it only takes a very small amount of alcohol to lead to alcohol poisoning which can lead to seizures and even death. If your cat ate some raw dough, you should contact your vet right away for help.
Pizza crust, like any other bread product, can be irresistible to cats. They enjoy the taste of yeast and they often just want to try out whatever you’re eating. Pizza itself can also be quite tempting for cats as it smells pretty good to them. But it’s best to greatly limit how much pizza crust your cat has as it’s really not good for them, can be a choking hazard, and if they get any toppings, they could end up quite ill.
Even if nothing happens in the short term (six to twelve hours after ingestion is about the window you want to keep an eye on), eating too much pizza can contribute to health problems down the road. Best to greatly limit crust intake to a very small amount once in a while and redirect your cat to their own treats while you’re enjoying your take-out.
Does your cat go after pizza crust?

Pam is a self-confessed cat lover and has experience of working with cats and owning cats for as long as she can remember. This website is where she gets to share her knowledge and interact with other cat lovers.