Are Russian Blue Cats Cuddly?

Are Russian Blue Cats Cuddly?

When we think about cats, we don’t tend to think of them as being particularly affectionate.

After all, cats are known for being independent and not really caring what their humans are up to, or so the stereotype goes.

This is not necessarily true. We know from other breeds, such as Maine Coons, that cats can be very affectionate. But if you meet a Russian blue cat for the first time, you’ll notice that it’s quite shy and standoffish.

While Russian blue cats are celebrated for being good family pets, if you don’t know anything about the breed, you may be wondering at this point whether they are truly worthy of being called good family pets aside from being hypoallergenic.

Russian Blue cats are very shy with new people – they tend to hide, run away, or ignore anyone they don’t know. I know for certain that the cat I had when I was a child, who was probably part Russian Blue, was a real snot when it came to people she didn’t know.

However, she could be very affectionate with people that she deemed trustworthy, such as myself or my uncle.

This cautious attitude that many Russian Blue cats display will lead prospective owners to wonder: Are Russian Blue cats cuddly?

Are Russian Blue Cats Cuddly?

The long and short of it is that Russian blue cats can be very cuddly, once they get to know their humans.

Once you get its trust, it’s one of the more affectionate breeds of cats out there, not to mention hypoallergenic and an all-around good family pet.

Read on to learn more about the Russian blue pet cat and decide whether this is a good breed to add to your home.

The Temperament of A Russian Blue Cat

Depending on who you talk to, the Russian Blue cat can seem a little divisive. On the one hand, many people will say that the Russian Blue cat is extremely cautious, likes to hide, and will perhaps be overly sensitive to being petted.

On the other hand, there are owners who say that their Russian Blue cat is incredibly affectionate, greets them at the door, and loves to be petted.

The difference lies in whether the cat is used to its surroundings or not. A Russian Blue cat that is new to its surroundings is going to be very cautious: they like to hide and feel out their surroundings on their terms.

They will also likely be very reserved and not want to be handled too much. But, once the cat has settled into its surroundings, it is a very loyal and affectionate pet that will even greet its owners at the door.

The Russian Blue cat is also not a loud or vocal cat like the Siamese, but it is known for having a very quiet and polite meow that it will use to notify its owner when it is hungry or in need of some attention.

Surprisingly this breed of cat is known to be fairly good with children, once it gets used to the idea. In fact, they may even bond tightly with their child or children to the point where the child may the only one who can handle the cat all the time!

If the Russian Blue cat is properly introduced to a cat-friendly dog, they can also be fairly tolerant of canines.

Finally, they may or may not get along with other cats – it depends on their personality and how they were introduced.

Proper introductions are absolutely key with Russian Blue cats, otherwise, you’ll end up with an animal who’s quite cranky and will likely no longer trust you.

Just as the stereotype would have you think though, Russian Blue cats are also very independent. This breed of cat doesn’t particularly mind being left alone for long periods of time, so long as the household has a routine.

This breed of cat, therefore, is probably best for a household that keeps to a strict routine so that the Russian blue understands when their people will be gone and when their people will come home.

Finally, it’s important to note that Russian Blue cats are quite intelligent.

It’s important to make sure that they have a good stock of toys, cat trees, perches, and other places to hang out and use up their energy, otherwise, they will find their own way to have fun and that usually results in a bit of destruction.

Russian Blue cats also have a high prey drive, so this is not an animal that you want to try to buddy up with hamsters or gerbils.

What Type of Owner is Best for a Russian Blue Cat?

When you’re considering getting a cat, it’s very important to match your household to the temperament of your pet.

We know that Russian Blues can be very elusive and cautious at first, but once they get to know their people they are quite friendly.

Friendly does not necessarily mean “cuddly”, but in the case of the Russian Blue cats, they are quietly cuddly. This is a breed of cat who will quite happily settle beside you to watch TV, sit on your blanket on your lap, or nestle up beside you while you’re working on stuff.

It’s not a breed of cat who’s necessarily going to come running to you for attention, but they are quite happy to get it once you’re settled down.

The type of household that will be best suited for this breed of cat is one that thrives on routine first and foremost, or at least can give the Russian Blue cat a sense of strong structure and routine.

It’s also important that the household be relatively peaceful because the Russian Blue cat does not handle change very well.

It can get along fine with small children, babies, and other people and animals, but it’s not going to handle things changing rapidly.

A chaotic household with a lot of people coming and going is not an ideal place for this particular breed of cat.


While the Russian Blue cat is reserved and conservative, once this cat gets to know its humans, particularly its special human, it proves itself to be quite a cuddly animal, enjoying warm laps, TV time, rigid times for snacks and play, and lots of cuddles on its terms.

The Russian blue cat does make a very good family pet, once you break through that shy and conservative exterior.

Have you ever owned a Russian Blue cat? Tell us about your experiences in the comments below!