How Big Do Russian Blue Cats Get?

How Big Do Russian Blue Cats Get?

While most domestic cats don’t get large enough to be a worry for potential pet owners, it’s still something that weighs on people’s minds.

Knowing the average size of a cat helps you to figure out if your cat is under or overweight, and what (roughly) kind of space your cat will need in order to be comfortable.

And while the size isn’t as interesting as things like temperament, color, or lifespan, it’s still important to have at least a general idea so that you know if your cat is healthy.

Russian Blue cats can be a bit problematic in this realm: their thick, plush coat means that they always look bigger than they actually are, and they are food gluttons so they can easily get bigger than they should be!

If you have a Russian Blue cat, it’s a very good idea to know how big Russian Blue cats can get and what a healthy size is. So, how big do Russian Blue cats get?

On average, the Russian Blue cat grows to a height of about ten inches and weighs in at between seven and fifteen pounds. These are averages of course and your vet will have a better idea of where your cat should be for optimal health.

How Long Does it Take For Russian Blue Cats To Reach Maturity?

Russian Blue cats are fairly typical in how long they take to reach their full growth. On average, a Russian Blue cat is considered fully grown by twelve months of age.

Some will take a few months longer, and others will be fully grown sooner, but twelve months is about the milestone for most cats. By this point, you should have a solid idea of how large your cat will be and you shouldn’t get any surprises.

Compared to Other Cats

Russian Blue Cats are about average for a domestic house cat: think Oriental short hairs and Korats as being a good reference point. They aren’t large cats, but they are long and slender with good musculature.

Russian Blue cats often look larger than other cats because of their thick, double-layer coat.

A good way to keep track of their weight at a glance is to look at their tails, which are long and tapering, and their “mane” which isn’t any longer than any other domestic shorthair.

This will give you a good indication that despite their plushness, Russian Blue cats are fairly average on the size spectrum.

What Determines How Big Russian Blue Cats Get?

There are a number of things that control how large a cat will get, which is why there’s usually a fairly large range of averages. These include:

  • Gender. Males are larger than females and on top of that, have even thicker coats making them look even larger.
  • Genetics. The parents of kittens are a good indicator of how large the kittens will be
  • Health: health complications, malnutrition, parasites, and genetic problems can all impact the growth of kittens. This can run the gamut from simply limiting the nutrition that kittens receive, stunting their growth, to even impacting their bones and muscles, impacting their posture, and making them look smaller. This is why it’s so critically important to make sure kittens get the proper nutrition and are looked after by a vet.
  • Spaying/Neutering: It’s highly recommended that cats are spayed or neutered before they turn one year old in order to limit the bad behaviors they can display (like spraying, territory aggression etc.) and speed their healing; however, cats that are spayed and neutered early also tend to grow larger on average.

Of course, letting your Russian Blue cat eat too much (which they will do quite happily) will also cause them to be larger, though not in a very healthy way.

It’s important to carefully monitor how much your cat is eating so that you can prevent later problems like diabetes, arthritis, and joint pain.

How Big Do Russian Blue Cats Get?

Keeping Your Russian Blue at a Good Size

Because it’s too easy to forget that their plush is making them look larger than they are, it’s easy for owners to underfeed their cat, thinking it needs a diet.

The opposite can also hold true – Russian Blue cats have almost no willpower when it comes to food and are quite sensitive to obesity. The best ways to keep your Russian Blue’s weight on track include:

  • Providing a balanced and nutritious diet and not letting them graze all day long. Instead, Russian Blue cats should be fed no more than twice a day and the meals should be portioned out.
  • Provide your cat plenty of exercise opportunities. Make sure your cat has some toys, perches to climb and jump on, and daily playtime with you or with a companion animal. Exercise not only helps to keep your cat’s weight in check but also helps with their mental health.
  • Provide plenty of fresh water.
  • Take your cat in for regular check-ups. It can be hard for an owner to tell how big their cat actually is under all that plush fur, but your vet will be able to do proper measurements and guide you as needed. This also helps to prevent medical problems that can cause your cat to gain or lose too much weight.

In general, Russian Blue cats are pretty low maintenance. Just don’t let their big green eyes fool you into thinking that they need to eat and sleep all day!


On average, Russian Blue cats are about ten inches tall at the shoulder and seven to fifteen pounds in weight. This puts them a little smaller than British Shorthair cats and on par with Oriental shorthairs.

They are long in build with well-developed muscles and a thick coat. Generally, they reach their full size by about one year of age.

How big is your Russian Blue cat? Do you have problems keeping it at an ideal weight or is it fairly simple for you? Let us know in the comments below!