Known sometimes as ‘furniture with fur’, Persian cats are popular for their extremely laid-back and lazy nature, their beautiful long hair, and their friendly personality.
They also tend to be fairly sturdy, though you want to be careful about the breeder as some breeders will breed kittens that are too squashed in the muzzle which can cause a lot of breathing problems for the poor cat.
If you’re thinking about getting a cat, Persians are often near the top of the list because they aren’t very high-energy, and they tend to get along well with others (or at least ignore them).
One of the big worries though: that long coat, particularly around shedding.
Do Persian cats shed?
Persian cats absolutely shed – it’s one of the things which cat owners will sigh about. They are not hypoallergenic cats and it’s important to keep up with their grooming and your cleaning needs around spring and fall or you will find puffy furballs everywhere!
But really, most long hair cats shed a lot and most cats shed, period. It’s simply a natural part of having a fur coat and shedding all the dead hair helps to keep your cat comfortable.
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Why Do Persian Cats Shed?
There are several reasons why your Persian cat may shed, some of them for good reasons, and some reasons are due to health problems.
The most common reason is just seasonal shedding. Cats shed their coats in the fall and in the spring to prepare for colder and warmer weather.
Persian cats will certainly see an increase in shedding at this point as they get their winter and summer coats in.
This is normal and simply means you need to groom them more often and do some more rigorous cleaning if you don’t want hair all over the place.
A shedding coat though can also be a sign of health issues.
These include:
- Low-quality food. Malnutrition is often shown in a coat that sheds far too much and looks dull and dry
- Fleas, ticks, and other parasites. Itchy skin from these pests causes cats to scratch more which causes them to lose fur and even creates bald patches
- Allergies. Allergies can cause extra shedding, as well as rashes and itching
- Stress and anxiety. A stressed-out cat will shed more and Persians are particularly susceptible to feeling stressed
Health problems causing the shedding issues can be addressed, usually by talking to your vet and getting to the root cause and then dealing with it.
Seasonal shedding on the other hand has to be managed, but it cannot be done away with entirely.
Managing Your Persian’s Shedding
Assuming that it is simply seasonal shedding, there are some things you can do to manage the flying fur.
Not only will this cut down on the amount of cleaning you have to do, but it will also make your cat more comfortable and cut down on the number of hairballs they cough up.
First of all, and most easily, brush your cat regularly, at least once a week, or even daily. This helps to remove the dead and loose fur before it drops off on its own and prevents your cat from swallowing it while grooming.
Most Persian cats enjoy being brushed as well, so it’s a good bonding ritual. There are plenty of brushes on the market and they tend to all be pretty good, so choose one that you think will be sturdy and comfortable to use.
You can also give your cat a monthly bath. This also helps to get rid of the dead skin and hair and helps to keep them clean.
Your cat will probably hate you, but it is a way to manage any dirt your cat may have picked up and not groomed out themselves.
We wouldn’t necessarily recommend this for indoor-only cats as it’s probably not necessary and will just annoy your cat.
But if you have a cat that goes outside regularly, a bath may be necessary to get rid of anything your cat cannot get rid of itself.
And you should always pay attention to what your cat is eating and make sure it stays hydrated. A diet rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids will help to prevent too much hair loss and staying hydrated will help promote healthy skin which cuts down on shedding.
Assuming your Persian cat is healthy and it’s normal shedding, then a regular brushing regimen, particularly in the spring and fall, is the easiest way to cut down on the amount of hair you’ll find lying around.
After that, it’s a matter of keeping up with your usual housecleaning and maybe stepping it up slightly until the shedding cycle is finished and your cat goes back to normal shedding.
Will Persian Cat Hair Cause Asthma Attacks?
No, but Persian cat hair and dander is a common enough allergen that many people will have a reaction that is very similar to asthma.
It can cause asthma attacks in people who have asthma and are allergic to cats, but it won’t cause asthma or asthma attacks on its own.
If you are allergic to cats, a Persian cat may not be the best one for you.
Persians are a long-hair breed of cat and as such, they certainly do shed.
They can also shed for health reasons – the most common being parasites, allergies, and malnutrition – but assuming you have a healthy cat, then you are still going to be dealing with seasonal shedding.
The easiest way to manage it is with daily grooming and making sure you keep feeding your cat quality food.
Otherwise, little piles of fur in random places are the price you pay for having a sweet, friendly, and fluffy cat as a pet! For many owners, it’s a small price to pay.
Do you have a Persian cat that sheds? I don’t have a Persian, but I do have an Oriental longhair mix, and sometimes petting her causes a spore cloud of hair to fly!

Pam is a self-confessed cat lover and has experience of working with cats and owning cats for as long as she can remember. This website is where she gets to share her knowledge and interact with other cat lovers.